Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Interveiw with JasBrick

Hello lego fans!

I was very lucky to be able to get an exclusive interveiw with one of the most talented lego custoizers around, Jasbrick. He is a AFOL- Adult Fan Of Lego. This is the interveiw:

1). Your one of the most talented customizers around, What's your secret?
Firstly thanks… extreme flattery always works ;-) I am glad you like my work. I am not sure it is a secret but my age is probably on my side when it comes to customizing, being 36 and having had the benefit of a dark age full of wargaming, painting and modeling means that I should have picked up a few tricks.With regard to the figs I produce it is probably also evident that I make the things that I love based on the influences all around me… I watch a film, read a book, play a game and all of a sudden I want to recreate some aspect in minifig form.
2). How do you find time for all your customs?
Customising fits with my schedule (being a father and having a very busy job) as I can produce a fig very quickly without all the sorting, building and re-building required with MOC builders. I generally get an idea refine it in my mind during my daily commute and knock out a design in the evening when my kids have gone to bed. I wish I had more time to dedicate to building as I would really love to create vehicles and settings to show off my figs in the best environment.
3). You've done alot of customs, Wich was the hardest?
Hardest based on technical construction would probably be my American Paratrooper.Hardest based on painting alone is probably the Joker minifig torso.
4). Are you a long time AFOL, or are you just now starting out with legos?
I have been an AFOL for about 6 years… my dark ages stretch back quite a way and it is mainly due to changes in the Lego set design and accessory providers like Will Chapman at Brickarms that I regained my interest. A typical story for a lot of AFOL’s is the fact that after having children you start spending time in toyshops again and it is Lego that conjures up the most nostalgia and gets you hooked again.My AFOL interests mainly revolved around collecting (mainly Star Wars and Castle sets) with no intention of parting out or creating anything other than official designs. It was only when I joined a AFOL group that I started customizing… and only really in the last 6-7 months. The reason for this mainly comes down to getting annoyed when a member of the group dismissed my interest in minifig combining / customizing as something I would “grow out of”…. You can imagine the cursing that comes from a 36 year being told to grow-up! Anyway I decided the best way to prove him wrong was to show exactly what could be done if you did not close your mind to something different…. Hopefully I have done that!?!
5). What drives you to keep customizing legos?
A number of factors, firstly and most importantly because I enjoy creating things and it makes me happy to finish a very unique fig that I can display, use and enjoy. Also important is support from the community… a lot of people have a very blinkered attitude and can be very aggressive in their dislike for anyone who harms their beloved plastic pieces, however I have found a few places where a positive culture allows everyone to share constructive criticism and feedback. Most notably for me is the Brickarms forums along with a huge number of friends and contacts on Flickr.
6). What's your favorite part of customizing?
Difficult to say really… every aspect is great, conceptual design through to inspecting the finished fig all have distinct pleasures. However if I was to be honest if has to be when you post a fig for others to comment and they really like what you have done.I hope that is what you wanted.

Kind Regards,

The picture above is his avatar. Checkout his Flickr, (LInked to above in his name), For more awsome work!


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